Saturday, 12 May 2012

Totals and Goals

Beads For Memories is about making a real difference for those who have Alzheimer's. Alysha knows that every bracelet made and sold is important. She's still nine years old, and fifty cents is more than loose change to her, it represents real time and effort to earn it. Really, every contribution is appreciated, by all involved.

There is a great motivating factor in setting goals, however, so there are totals to be reached as things progress. Some have already been achieved, and some are still out there on the horizon. Without further ado, let's do this by the numbers!

February of 2011: Alysha starts selling bracelets for 25 cents each. Sales surprise everyone involved, and Alysha sets her goal to raise $200 by the end of the month. On March 1st, she finishes selling, and brings $212.50 to the Alzheimer Society of London and Middlesex.

Spring/Summer 2011: Alysha aims to get her own message on a chair at the Alzheimer Society's conference room. Her target is the $250 dollar donation required to do so.

Our supporters at local businesses help out by having a donation/sales box at their front counter.  Jewellery Werx, Attain Total Health, Krafty Kennedy's, and Advantage Automotive are all participants in this effort.

Alysha and her parents are also given space at the third party fundraiser table at the May 5th Walk for Memories, where many of the society's regular volunteers and contributors get to meet Alysha fro the first time.

The Alzheimer's Society is part of the Doors Open London Event, Alysha is stationed at her own table, and collects $110 in contributions over 2 days!

By the end of the summer, Beads For Memories has raised and additional $250 and the plaque and message go on the chair in October 2011.

February 2012: With a large supply of bracelets, Alysha and her mother attend the Alzheimer's Cabin Fever Reliever dinner and auction. Proceeds from this one night total $230.00

Alysha also sells bracelets at White Oaks School every school recess and lunch. As of March 1st  White Oaks staff and students have donated another $305.00. Since the school reached the $250.00 mark, a message will be added to a chair in the Alzheimer Society's conference room on White Oaks behalf.

March 1st 2012: Individuals and companies who donate over $1000 in a calendar year are recognised by the Alzheimer's Society by having their name placed on the wall at the offices on Windermere Road. Alysha has been seeking this target since back at the beginning of March, 2011. At the time, the goal was over $750 away. We are proud to announce that the sale of bracelets will result in a total for the year of over $1000 dollars!

Alysha celebrated her first year of donations with the staff at the society, give a click to see the cake and the BIG cheque.

The Society ran a day of workshops in April, and we were thankful that Pam and Joan brought Alysha's bracelets to the Navigating the Road Ahead event. These two high-pressure sales ladies brought back $175.00 in bracelet sales from the one day event. We thank them for their time and effort when Alysha could not be there.

On May 12 2012, Alysha participated in the Walk For Memories for the first time. Beads for Memories had a table with our wares, and the sales of handmade bracelets came to $145.60 this year! We hope all of you who bought a bracelet are wearing it with pride.

Alysha also collected pledges for the 5 kilometre walk, and brought in another $520.00 for her efforts. Thanks to friends, family, and the employees of Ramkey Communications for your generosity.

As of May 12, 2012 , the total monies raised by the sales of Beads For Memories is:


The total for all the contributions to the Alzheimer Society as a result of Alysha and her customer's and pledges efforts is now.


Once again, every donation is appreciated, and if you are among those who have seen us around town and helped out, we would like to thank you again.

As always, if you'd like more information on the project you can contact if you would like to read about Alysha's inspiration for the work that she does, you can read my first post.

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